Success is choice for all of us…….choose wisely
Martin Byrne, Leadership Management Ireland (LMI)
Martin Byrne, Leadership Management Ireland (LMI)
Over the years much has been written and spoken around success and its secrets. So what is success? In sports, is it winning all the time or in business and life in general is it having your company listed in the various polls by which we tend to measure the success or otherwise of a business?
Why are some sports people more successful than others? Why does one team consistently outperform others with equally talented players? Why is that person or company so successful and always developing new ideas and to the forefront of innovation. Is there a magic formula or are some people just more talented than others and this accounts for their success?
The simple answer is there is no one answer. While talent is important, a multitude of other factors have been identified which impinge on a person’s ability to achieve their goals. When you were born, where you lived, where you went to school, your parents, your teachers, your sports coaches -and most importantly, what and how they communicated with you, your first job, your first manager, your starting salary. The list goes on but all of these factors play a conditioning role in determining your chances of success.
Success has often been defined as “the progressive realisation of predetermined personal goals”.
If we use this definition, and it is by no means perfect, we first need to define our goals. If you don’t have goals, whether they are business or personal, how will you know whether or not you are successful? Without goals you will be consigned to the drifters group who drift from one month to the next without any sense of direction. Before they know it another year is gone and wasted.
Successful people set goals for themselves. They are the surfers. They’ve learned how to ride the waves based on where it is they want to go, versus letting them carry you where they will. They have developed a set of habits which they know, if used consistently, will ultimately lead them to their destination and the achievement of their goals.
Let’s look at these interrelated habits…
Believe in yourself. That’s where it all starts. Change your habits and your attitude and you’re well on the way to success. It’s a choice.
Choose wisely.
Martin is a very experienced leadership development specialist based in the South-East with clients throughout the country.